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Why Audience Is Everything On Facebook (and how to create yours!)

Updated: Jul 6, 2020

In this series, we uncover the secrets that agencies use to build brands, and multiply sales using Facebook and other social channels.

In Part 4 we look at: Why Audience Is Everything On Facebook (and how to create yours!)

Getting to know who your customers are is a crucial step for a successful Facebook Ads campaign. Facebook has 1 billion+ daily active users, so it’s an absolute must that you target only those who are potentially interested in your product. Any audience that is not likely to convert for you is a waste of your ad-budget.

Luckily, Facebook offers a huge range of targeting options that will help you find the right niche.

Here are just some of your options;

  • Location-based targeting

  • Demographic-based targeting

  • Interest-based targeting

  • Behaviour-based targeting

  • Lookalike targeting

Location-Based Targeting

Your first option in creating your audiences in Business Manager is location.

If you run an online business, this is less important (although you will still want to run separate campaigns to separate regions), but for brick-and-mortar operations, this is a crucial step to make sure you are showing ads only to people who are likely to visit you.

Let's say you are a barbershop - Think about how far will people travel to see you for a haircut?

There is no point running ads to people 25kms away - they have plenty more options to visit a barber down the road.

Demographic-Based targeting

Here you choose your audience based on age, gender, education, job title, and other information.

You can get quite specific in here. Maybe you are a childcare centre - you might target "Parents with kids aged 2-5".

The simpler version is age and gender. Think about your product or service and target accordingly.

Interest-Based Targeting

This is where things start getting interesting. (Get it?)

Interest-targeting looks at other pages that users follow on Facebook, and shows your ads based on this data.

So if you are selling bull bars for 4x4s, you could add in here people who are interested in four-wheel driving or offroading. No point showing bullbars to someone who owns a corolla, right?

Behaviour-Based targeting

Here you can target your ads based on consumer behaviours such as prior purchases and device usage.

Selling screen protectors for an iPhone? Only show ads to people using an iPhone.

X-Box game clearance? Show your ads to users who have a gaming console.

Lookalike Targeting

A Lookalike Audience is a way to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they're similar to your best existing customers.

Say you have a list of people who have clicked on your ads and made a purchase in your online store... You can take that list, feed it to the Facebook machine and it will look at their location, interests, demographics, habits, etc, and spit out another audience that displays similar attributes to those who have purchased from you.

These targeting options may sound amazing, but this is literally just scraping the surface of what you can potentially do with Facebook Ads Targeting.

Previously, Part 3: How to save $1000’s & create a winning Facebook strategy from your sofa

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